Untouched Thoughts

Monday, September 4, 2023

With Age Comes Back Pain

There's no actual schedule for these posts but I'm a little disappointed that it took me this long to post a new update. Like, I kind of expected this to happen considering how my ADHD seems to work with me. I'm honestly surprised that I've made it this far in life without completely falling apart, deleted trauma posts aside.
But I digress. The title post is mostly just to state the obvious. Doing chores in your late twenties is god painful on your back after like an hour or 2. Its especially bad if you're like me who spent most of his life in front of a computer. Like I'm doing now I suppose >.>
Another thing that comes with age is apparently some innate attraction to podcasts.
I feel like I've resisted its appeal for like the last two years. Not for lack of trying, but because I hadn't found myself enjoying much of the stuff I tried listening to. That is until lately I started listening to the Ned's Declassified Podcast. I grew up on a bunch of Nickelodeon so Neds was one of the few shows I enjoyed as a kid. Though I'm more inclined to talk about Smoshcast. I was doing my chores at like 1am in the morning because I'm deranged like that and thought, hmmm why not try putting something in the background.
If I put music on, I'd get distracted if the music on my playlist isn't something my mind is jamming on repeat so I put on some Smosh(Happy that Anthony is back btw.)
At first, I went for their flashback episodes but then I somehow swivveled to their Smoshmouth content and I just could not stop doing my chores with them on the background. I swear, I would never organize cabinets with such hyperfocus like I did tonight until I started listening to Shayne, Amanda, and Angela doing these impromptu sketches they drafted for the episode, and the one where Shayne, Amanda, and Damian were just having fun with DnD or Nerd talk.
*Cue back pain as I'm sitting and organizing board games*
My time blindness really kept me up but my dopamine was being properly sated as I'm doing these chores. So this is what they meant when ADHD'ers needed to do something while they're working because man if all I needed were podcasts I would have just started listening on my spotify a lot more.
It really got to me when they talked about writers block too. I've had writers block for like, what, 7 years? Its why I've tried coming back here. I felt called out too, so that's probably why I came back today hahahaha.
Knowing the amount of chores I did in the last 3 hours though, I'll probably just be out of energy for the next few days.
My shifts are just weird now since one of my managers are taking over for rostering and I'm getting rostered less this time.
I've either got to talk to them or start picking up shifts. I'm testing out the waters though, see how I'll get paid this Thursday. If its good, I'll keep it this way. If not, I'll pick up more shifts. 
I've also got this job prospect I'm going through with the bank right now. I've had crappy luck with job hunts lately so I'm just really hoping that they call me back with a possible interview for the spot.
I'm honestly rather scared about how this goes. But I just got to believe I guess.

Thursday, August 17, 2023


Surprise! Bet you thought you've seen the last of me!
Unfortunately, I'm still within this mortal coil. But it is what it is.
Now, onto the topic.
Why am I here?
Why am I back in this godforsaken blog that has been abandoned several times over?
I'm here to strike another reboot into my blogging. This time, with a different perspective.
It probably doesn't help that I've drafted most of my previous posts from the years between my college years to my early 20s, but I feel like I've changed quite a bit now and can list my thoughts more coherently and with more variety.
Admittedly, most of my posts in here (And for the majority of my tweets back in 2019-2021) were littered with depression, suicidal ideation, and a lot of bitching about friend troubles.
I'm in my mid 20s now and life has really changed for me and the way I look at things.
Well, it's not super different.
These days I try to live with an "It is what it is" lifestyle and have a pretty cynical outlook half the time. Mostly towards work.
I work a customer service job currently and I absolutely hate it and hate people. But it's not like I can leave when I can't even find another job. So I'm stuck here and have to suffer a little more. Whatever keeps the money flowing.
The big kicker about doing this blog is that even though it's a public domain, I know that people won't really stumble into this and I have no worries that anyone would find it or find my thoughts intriguing so I'll be able to write these private thoughts to myself and keep it alive.
Surely these new posts would be more frequent and less riddled with doomposting right?
Well, whatever. We'll see how it goes.
I'm just hoping that my drive to write comes back in full force.
