Untouched Thoughts

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Return of the Quarterlife Crisis: 2024 Edition of I Will Change My Life

 Happy New Year!
...Is what I should have said in January on this blog.
But surprise, surprise. It took me another year before I decided to come back after my supposed resurgence.
Take note, reader. Or lack thereof, It is February 22, 2024, 3:17 AM.
I have a shift at 10:30 in the morning and from where I'm staying, I have an hour long train ride I'll have to endure when I wake up and have to go to the city and scoop some stupid ice cream because I still haven't found a new job yet.
And once again, in one of those inevitable moments of "I need to change things" spurring at possibly the worst time to be awake, I've decided to write shit about how I will change.
A week from now, I'm probably going to forgot. Maybe in just a day because I'm doomed like that.
But let's say for the sake of this little lucid moment I've got going for me I actually believe in myself.
What will I do about it?
I've got a list I've had on my phone for a while about the things I want to do to change my life.
Obviously on top is to find a job.
I've been a graduate with an IT degree for a year now and I'm still working in a cinema with no change and no experience and I'm most certainly am not working hard enough to change that.

So let's make bulletpoints shall we?
Find a job and use that expensive ass degree. Even if it's just a helpdesk job.
Maybe learn the following shit:
>Finish that Google Workspace thing you were working on
>Learn Active Directory
>Practice those HTML Skills and make your sister's website.
>If you're feeling extra dicey, learn actual coding, you idiot.
>Get a job in Cybersecurity possibly. I don't know, something that gets your Visa a Permanent Residency.

Live Healther. God knows you shouldn't have to wonder if you're going to die young.
>Sleep early. Like why the hell are you sleeping in the morning???
>Exercise. Use those stupid weights you bought a year ago. Maybe go to the gym. I don't know!
>Eat Healthy. Eat the three main meals.
>Learn to cook shit that isn't mac and cheese
>Minimize your game time(I mean you kinda do that already but damn if you don't blow so much time on big games you're invested in)
>Read again. Recapture that love.

Write Everyday. Can you do that?

>Write on this blog, for one.
>Write short stories if you want to get back into it.
>Write your novels again. Don't let those ideas die with you.

Draw Everyday. 

>Westbrick needs to live dude.

Do new things

>Learn a new language. (Spanish, Japanse)
>Make new friends
>Go outside and touch grass, loser.
>Learn Piano
>Learn to drive and get your license so you dont have to take an uber every fucking day.

Chase after your old dreams or something.

>Act, even if it's stupid
>Voice act, even if you're not good
>Publish your work, even if you think no one will read them
>Make a video game, even if you don't believe in yourself.

Alright, Max. Can you do that much? For your sake, listen to lucid 3AM Max and do something about your life. I know I'm just words you wrote, but you cannot let yourself stay paralyzed over the things you can and cannot do. You just got to live.
I know it's hard... But if you're lucid enough to write this, maybe you can do something about doing more, yeah?
Anyway, hopefully a new update starts tomorrow like some sort of adult journal diary etc etc.
Who keeps journals these days anyway.


Thanks Earthquake (Driftless Pony Club)

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